Why lash extensions?
Posh Volume Set pictured above
There are hundreds, if not thousands of different options on the market that claim to make your lashes longer, thicker or fuller. However, many women struggle to find an option that looks natural, requires low maintenance and that lasts.
From the steep learning curve to apply strip lashes, growth serums that have scary side effects, to messy mascara that leaves clumps and residue around the eyes, none of them provide a low fuss option to longer, thicker, fuller looking lashes.
With lash extensions however, you can have the appearance of youthful, healthy lashes that enhance your appearance and that are easy to maintain.
Many clients have questions about lash extensions prior to receiving the service and in this article, my goal is to help shed light on the process of lash extensions so you can determine if lash extensions are a good fit for your lifestyle.
Available services
Dela Antoinette’s offer 3 primary services to suit your lash needs. Those three services are the Everyday Set, which is a light and natural looking set that’s great for everyday wear, the Posh Volume Set which is slightly fuller than the Everyday Set and is great for special events or vacations so you don’t need to use mascara and the Luxe Volume Set which has a similar appearance to strip lashes for photo shoots and special events where it’s important that your lashes stand out in photos.
The Everyday Set with bottom lash extensions
Posh Volume Set
Luxe Volume Set
The Process
Each set when applied have a similar process. With your eyes closed and protected, using sterilized and specialized tweezers, each one of your natural lashes is isolated and a lash extension is then attached using a durable, medical grade adhesive. A full, new set of lash extensions can take anywhere from 2 - 3.5 hours to properly apply and touch ups are generally 1 - 1.5 hours every 3-4 weeks.
Lash extension services are meant to be a relaxing experience and your eyes must remain closed for the duration of the service. Most of my clients use their appointment time to relax and catch up on their rest and when they wake up, their not only feel refreshed, but with fresh, new lash extensions, they also look refreshed.
Who lash extensions are for
Lash extensions are a small service that can make a tremendous impact on most people. They can give you the appearance of having the healthy lashes you’ve always dreamed of. And while most people can wear lash extensions, both men and women, they aren’t recommended for everyone.
Generally speaking, they’re a great solution for those that have healthy natural lashes and want the appearance of fuller, longer and more curly eyelashes. Even if your lashes are straight, sparse and thin, you may still be able to wear lash extensions. There have been very few people that I’ve encountered in over 13 years that cannot wear lash extensions.
Here is a short list of people that aren’t a good candidate for lash extensions:
Most doctors that I or my clients have spoken to do not recommend having lash extensions applied during chemotherapy. And if you have completed chemotherapy treatment, it’s best to wait 6 months before having lash extensions applied due to the adjustments happening within the body.
Although lash extensions are applied using a durable, medical-grade adhesive, hormonal imbalances such as thyroid conditions, MS or menopausal symptoms that require medication can affect the life of lash extensions to the point of requiring frequent touch ups. Considering this, it’s not ideal to wear lash extensions as you wouldn’t be able to get the full experience from wearing them due to frequent touch ups being needed.
A lot of people don’t know this but there are a lot of glands around the eyes which are there to keep the eyes lubricated. In addition to this, each lash follicle contains an oil gland which helps to keep your natural eyelashes healthy and shiny.
Oil is one element that can cause lash extensions to shed prematurely. We combat this by washing our lashes daily using a lash extension friendly cleanser however if watery eyes are added to this equation, it can lead to premature lash loss. So if you have watery eyes, it’s not ideal to wear lash extensions. In contrast to this, if you have dry eyes and have to use moisturizing eye drops, it creates a similar effect to watery eyes and it’s not ideal to wear lash extensions.
People who have trichotillomania have an irresistible urge to pull out their hair, usually from their scalp, eyelashes, and eyebrows. They know they can do damage but often can’t control the impulse. They may pull out their hair when they're stressed as a way to try to soothe themselves. Pulling out eyelashes can lead to permanent damage and for that reason, lash extensions aren’t recommended.
Lash extensions can be worn by most people however as you can see, there are a few rare conditions where lash extensions are not ideal. Overall they are a great solution if you’re looking to make your lashes appear longer, fuller and more curly without requiring a lot of maintenance.
If you’d like to have longer, fuller, more luxurious lashes, I encourage you to click the button below to schedule an appointment. If you’re unsure of which lash set is right for you and would like to discuss options, schedule a consultation and I’ll be happy to help!