Can I workout while wearing lash extensions?
If you’re wondering if you can keep fit while wearing eyelash extensions, this article is for you.
For most people, a new year means new resolutions. A common resolution is to get more healthy and fit. From crossfit, yoga, running and cycling, there are so many great options to help you look and feel your best.
If you've made the decision to start working out, you may be wondering if this is the right time for you to get eyelash extensions.
The answer is YES!
Regardless of your workout, you still want to look polished with minimal effort. Eyelash extensions can help you achieve that. Below are a few tips you can use if you're working out and wearing eyelash extensions.
What a lot of people don't know is that sweat contains natural oils from your skin. Oil, whether it's from your body or applied topically acts similar to a remover in that it breaks down the adhesive, making lash extensions shed prematurely. The most important step you can take to keep your lashes looking their best is to keep them clean. Immediately after a workout or a heavy sweat, use Eccellent Foaming Cleanser to get your lashes clean. You also want to use this each day as daily maintenance of your lash extensions.
About 30 minutes before your workout, apply Eccellent Protective Coating to your lash extensions. This product does exactly what it says it will do and that is create a protective coating on your lashes. The protective coating protects your lashes from oil and sweat. Once you're done with your workout, wash your lashes with cleanser and you're good to go!
If your workout involves heat like hot yoga or you sit in a steam room after your workouts, you'll want to schedule more frequent touch ups. Heat and steam also break down the adhesive bond. Instead of every 3-4 week touch ups, schedule at 2-3 to keep your lashes looking flawless.
Are you working out and wearing lash extensions? Share what's been working for you in the comments section below!
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